03.15.22New training for master teachers: The Keystone Videos Workshop

Cooking up something for hungry veterans!
We’re experimenting with a new kind of video-learning here at TLAC. Keystone Videos—new in TLAC 3.0–are extended videos (most are about 10 minutes long) intended to show a longer arc of a teacher’s lesson where they use multiple techniques in combination. They are not just longer but more complex and nuanced.
Our team developed these keystones to support teachers in seeing more of the big picture of when and why to use particular techniques. They often show how techniques are adapted and combined and what the culture and ethos of exceptional classrooms look like.
We hope keystones complement our traditional video clips, which tend to be edited quite tightly so that the technique itself is easy for novices to see and incorporate into their own practice. As an added bonus we think these keystone video provide an outstanding development opportunity for master teachers—richer video, we think, will yield richer conversation on a more complex range of topics.
Since there’s so much to be learned about how best to leverage the strengths of these keystones – we’re opening up the TLAC test kitchen—see picture…that’s us hard at work—to those who want to study these longer more complex videos with us to expand their knowledge. Please join us on March 22nd and March 29th as we open up the conversation and invite you to help us learn and improve our approach to studying this new teaching tool.